
Our Strategy

Artha’s strategy to leverage the context of arts, crafts and design, as well as the creative processes embedded in them to meet its mission of advancing awareness, preservation and sustainability within nature and world cultures.

Target Audiences

Artha strategically focuses on the three definite audience.

At-risk communities of underdeveloped regions of the world, primarily those whose livelihoods severely depend on natural resources and traditional crafts and techniques.

Intermediary groups such as designers, environmentalists, policy makers and entrepreneurs who wish to bridge the resource gaps within society and preserve the ecological balance.

Any individual who wishes to support Artha’s mission and efforts.

Dissemination Approach

As Confucius said, “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” Artha focuses on three aspects of learning, doing and sharing: Education, Application and Research.


We teach hands-on skills, techniques and processes of creating original works of arts, crafts and design. During the process of educating, we systematically integrate ideas from diverse world cultures, traditional crafts, painting styles and uniqueness of nature’s biodiversity in our pedagogy. We engage craftsmen and women who have excelled their particular crafts techniques to offer education to keen learners.


We promote application of unique arts, crafts and design processes from around the world. Many of these have evolved over time among the people of those specific cultures. In most cases, these creative processes and products of those processes, reflect the ecological abundance of those cultures.


We seek opportunities to undertake a deeper investigation of issues pertaining to creative processes and how they impact societal wellbeing. We are in the process of developing our research capacity to champion this strategic effort.