

ARTHA Mission

Artha in Sanskrit has multiple meanings. Depending on the context, Artha means “mission, meaning, goal, essence, purpose, wealth, or means of life.” Artha Institute’s efforts are following this spirit of mission-driven creativity and meaningful creative process.

Artha Institute’s mission is to advance awareness, preservation and sustainability of the beauty, richness and diversity in nature and world cultures through education, application and research of arts, crafts and design. 

Artha Institute aims to accomplish what our society requires today, tolerance and equality within our socio-culturally diverse communities, inclusion of all groups of society in economic development, as well as respect and preservation of our natural world.

Artha Institute is founded on the principles of how nature functions and flourishes with undercurrents of unified harmony, sensible synergies and respectful coexistence within all its elements. Artha Institute’s philosophy emerges from this sense of oneness and wisdom hidden within our natural world and world cultures.

Various world cultures, as well as their arts and crafts, have emerged from responses to their natural environment, and therefore are intricately entwined with one another. Therefore, especially critical is saving livelihoods that are severely dependent on natural resources and indigenous wisdom.

An open mind and active hands are critical in envisioning, and eventually engendering, a better future for all, a future of universal equality, inclusion and respect.

ARTHA Values

Altruism: Most importantly, we believe that nature is altruistic and equitable, and so must we toward all that exists around us. Only with altruism one can truly recognize others as equal part of the same whole.

Responsibility: We believe that as stewards of this planet, our utmost responsibility is to protect it and all its elements. We are not only responsible for safeguarding the future of our civilization, but of all for whom this planet is a home.

Truth: We believe in the power of truth and honesty. Each facet of nature and feature of world culture has truth embedded within it that needs to be unraveled and understood before being judged and discarded.

Humility: We believe that only with humility one can perceive and preserve the immense value and wealth hidden within nature and world cultures. Humility is the key to opening minds to new ideas and concepts.

Alliance: We believe the process of building alliances between cultures and with nature enriches one’s existence in more ways than one. Alliances are critical mechanisms to build unity in diversity and to develop harmony in chaos.